Half Life!

Abdulrahman - Lebanon

Abdulrahman - Lebanon

Qaed - Turkey

Qaed - Turkey

As I shoot using films I always take the first shot with a polaroid to test my lighting, With taking the light test with Polaroids in Turkey an interesting incident happened; the portraits of these young men came out cropped! Half of the image didn't appear! I thought maybe there was something wrong with my camera or the film! but when I took photos of other people in the street (were my photo set was facing the street at the back of the hotel we are staying) to photos comes out perfect!!! back then i thought its just a coincidence.

Few months after I traveled to Lebanon and the exact same thing happened again! Whenever i take a polaroid of these young men it comes out half an image! I now have a half polaroid for each one of them, These beautiful innocent souls are so unfortunate and mistreated in this life that even the camera had refused to give them  a full image of them themselves …

 "Four Hand Can't Clap" will be shown at Sultan Gallery  10-19 Nov 2015.